![Optional subjects, such as effective speaking, are available to squadrons.](pix/optional.png)
- Optional Activities
- 'Optional Training' means all discretionary training that is conducted at the squadron using resources provided by Squadron Sponsors, Squadron Sponsoring Committees or by the Provincial Committee of the League.
- The following organizations offer programs to assist squadrons to provide these interesting optional activities.
A Memorandum
of Understanding (MOU) exists between the
Model Aeronautics Association of Canada (M.A.A.C.) and
the Air Cadet League of Canada. The MOU establishes "flying" aircraft modelling instruction as an optional
activity for Royal Canadian Air Cadets. Air Cadets learn to build, fly and compete with their models. Guidance
and assistance is provided by dedicated M.A.A.C volunteers.
The Model Aeronautics Association of Canada offers a reduced membership fee for Cadets and a $5000.00 bursary program for continuing education in an aviation-related field. More information about this program is also available from M.A.A.C.
In addition, the Air Cadet League of Canada will provide eligible squadrons up to $300.00 for instruction and supplies. A website that will contain detailed information about creating a flying model club had been set up for the program, but will require updating.
The International Plastic Modellers Society is a unique, world-wide organization of hobbyists who enjoy plastic scale modelling,
run on a voluntary basis, "by modellers, for modellers". The Society originated in 1963, when a small group of hobbyists in
England met to discuss the hobby and to exchange ideas, news and views. IPMS was founded in 1964, and today IPMS Canada is one
of the larger branches of the Society. Like all IPMS branches, IPMS Canada is all-volunteer run and maintained.
Air Cadet squadrons in Manitoba interested in the program should contact
League Liaisons for further information about setting up a schedule and
determining a suitable location for an
introductory session and possible meeting area. A “kit” of models can be undertaken by the squadron, parent’s
committee, Air Cadet League or a combination of various sources,
including individual cadet purchases of models and supplies. IPMS Canada
has committed to support local model clubs in starting up; a grant of up
to $300.00 can be available to cadet squadrons. Ten Step Lesson plan for modelling. Canadian Council for Aviation and Aerospace
By hovering over the 'Air Cadet League' on the top drop down menu and selecting 'on-line program'
you will see The Interactive Multimedia Learning Tool designed to introduce
students to the basic concepts of aircraft operation and maintenance. It consists of three
modules, covering Theory of Flight, Aircraft Power Plants, and Aircraft Structures. Contacting
the IMLT Project Manager at the noted email address will provide you access to the modules. In addition
to the written content, there are many animations and graphics. Squadrons should act early to allow their cadets access to this excellent training vehicle.
Information about this program and for CASARA units near you check out the
Course Training Plan included in this site.
Participants learn speaking and leadership skills that they will use for the rest of their
lives. They learn to: overcome the nervousness everyone feels when asked to speak before an
audience; organize and present their ideas logically and convincingly; listen carefully to
others ideas; offer advice that will help others improve their speaking and leadership skills;
and participate in - and even lead - group discussion or meetings. A local Toastmasters club serves as sponsor for the program and supplies the experienced
people needed to present the program. If your Squadron is interested in this program
more information is available by contacting Mrs. Dorian
Guerard at telephone (204) 487-0455.
Aviation Training Modules
The Canadian Council for Aviation and Aerospace Web Site - YouthSpace are excellent tools to inform
cadets of the opportunities available to them in the aviation industry. The site also contains access to
very useful modules for training.
The Civil Air Search and Rescue Association (CASARA), with the concurrence of the Air Cadet
League of Canada offers a program of training for older Air Cadets (16 years and older)
titled 'Introduction to Search and Rescue'. This training is available only at locations
where CASARA units exist. Training is optional and would be conducted at the squadron
local Headquarters. All instruction and training material is provided by CASARA without cost.
The Duke of Edinburgh's Award, Young Canadians Challenge promotes community service, skill
development, physical fitness, explorations and expeditions. Presently more than 30,000
able and disabled young Canadians are engaged in the program.
Toastmasters International - Youth Leadership Program is based on the belief that every
young person has the potential to become a good communicator and leader, but this potential
needs to be developed. The program's unique design enables participants to develop this
potential through practical experience.
St. John Ambulance - St. John Ambulance offers various types of training in first aid.
Participants may learn live saving skills in first aid and in CPR. Cadets which successfully complete Standard or Emergency first aid courses are eligible to wear a badge on their uniform.
Cadet volunteers are also encouraged to build and maintain first aid skills
If your squadron is participating in an optional activity that you think others would enjoy, pass the information to us and share the fun.