![Organised Flights](pix/snowbirds.png)
Every Air Cadet Squadron is the product of a partnership between the Department of National Defence and the Air Cadet League of Canada.
For each squadron, a Squadron Sponsoring Committee represents the Air Cadet League and can be made up of representatives from the sponsor, former cadets and officers from the squadron, interested parents and members of the community
The Squadron Sponsoring Committee (the SSC) is responsible for supporting the operations of the Squadron and for providing anything required by the squadron that is not provided by the military. That may include:
- providing a facility for parading and training,
optional training not covered in the air cadet syllabus (major trips, social events, sports events etc.)
any additional training equipment,
providing awards and trophies,
and other items which may be deemed necessary for the Squadron.
The SSC would manage any website, facebook or social media pages for the squadron
The SSC would coordinate the Squadrons involvement in the Duke of Edinburgh program should the squadron elect to become involved with this.
The SSC is responsible for recruiting both cadets and adults (officers, civilian instructors and squadron volunteers).
Each member of the SSC should have a passion for air cadets and be willing to donate time to assist their Squadron to be successful.
All members of the SSC are required to undergo a police record check before they begin working with the cadets. This is managed by the SSC with the assistance of the Air Cadet League
SSC's are required to meet regularly (Usually at least once per month) and meetings often include the CO of the squadron, a member of the sponsor and a member of the Air Cadet League.
The Air Cadet Squadron year begins in September of one year and ends in August in the following year. It is helpful to organise all SSC activities based on this cadet training year.
The Squadron will often have its first parade the first week in September. This first meeting is important because it helps to define the training plan for the year. The officers get a chance to see how many cadets are returning at what levels and often the recruitment drive is planned or finalized in the first week of September.
It is important for the Squadron Sponsoring Committee to engage the Squadron at this time since one of the mandates of a SSC is recruitment. The first SSC meeting of the year also is one where roles of volunteers may be established. Also important are roll handovers from last years committee members to this year.
Your first SSC meeting of the year will probably include.
An introduction of the Squadron Commanding Officer
A discussion or presentation of the training schedule by the Squadron to the SSC
A forecast of funding needed to operate the squadron (which may lead to a
Establishment of a Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Volunteer Screening
Coordinator, Effective Speaking Coordinator, and any other positions which may
be required to action specific events and activities throughout the year.
Plans for recruitment (Which should be early in September)
Any other immediate concerns for September and early October.
Your secretary should develop an Agenda and circulate it prior to the first meeting. If the secretary is not yet determined, then the chair should do this on behalf of the secretary. This means that last years secretary will be required to prepare and send out an agenda to all SSC and potential SSC members in August along with the date of the intended first meeting.
A format for that agenda might be as follows:
Squadron Sponsoring Committee for RCACS 9999 is holding a meeting of Squadron
representatives, parents, sponsors, Air Cadet League Representatives, and
interested community members to discuss the Squadron's operations and
requirements for the upcoming year. All are encouraged to attend. The Agenda
Squadron Sponsoring Committee for RCACS 9999
Meeting Saturday 8 September, 2018 at 1000 hrs CDT
Community Hall, Room 25, Anytown, Manitoba
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of Agenda
3. Approval of Minutes from previous meeting
4. Old Business
4.1 Reports
a SSC Chair report
b CO report
c League Report
4.2 Administration
4.3 Finance
4.4 Volunteers
5. New Business
6. Next Meeting (location time)
7. Adjournment
Please forward any requests to add items to the agenda at least four days prior to the meeting.
Chairperson - The chair or chairperson is responsible for the viability and efficiency of the SSC. That person must schedule regular meetings, see that agendas and minutes are published.
In addition they will:
Maintain close links with the CO to review and plan squadron
operations and activities
Ensure proper financial management
Create and form sub-committees as necessary
Represent the SSC to parents, the public and the community
Provide input for cadets' summer training course applications
Provide input for enrolment, promotion, posting & release of
CIC officers
Implement and maintain sponsor liaison and agreements.
Have a vote at the Provincial Committee.
Attend provincial League meetings.
Ensure SSC compliance with provincial activities and
Submit annually a financial statement (ACC9) and a list of
SSC members (MPC4900)
Ensure SSC members are screened in accordance with National &
Provincial Policy
Maintain an organised library of publications, current
documents and squadron archives.
Ensure all information is turned over to a successor.
Vice Chair - represents the Chairperson at meetings when the chairperson is absent and may assist the Chair when required to perform their role.
Secretary - The secretary is responsible for:
Ensuring the ACC1 form is properly filled and filed with the
Ensuring that notices of regular meetings of the SSC are sent
out giving time/place.
Consulting with the Chairperson to prepare an agenda for each
Keeping minutes of the meetings of the SSC
Keep a copy of the Leagues Policies and Procedures for each
meeting of the SSC
Ensuring correspondence & notes are passed to intended SSC
members and groups.
Ensure Chairperson is kept fully informed on all
correspondence pertaining to the SSC.
Treasurer - The Treasurer is
responsible for:
Helping the Chairperson to prepare the ACC9 for forwarding to
the Provincial Committee
Maintaining a record of all SSC property and where located
Keeping an up to date record of all financial transactions of
the SSC
Arranging an annual review or audit of the books of the SSC
Preparing financial statements and reports as required by the
Participate in any committee formed for the purpose of
raising funds.
Assist the Squadron Officers to prepare and submit a budget
to the SSC
Become acquainted with Section 3.7 Fin. Resources Mgmt of ACL
Policies & Procedures
The above roles are required for an SSC. Additional roles may be created by
the SSC to cover off specific areas of responsibility where the SSC feels that
they may be warranted such as:
Effective Speaking Coordinator - to manage or oversee the Effective
Speaking program
Mess Dinner Coordinator - to plan or manage a mess dinner
Awards Coordinator - to bestow SSC awards or propose Provincial or
National awards to Cadets/Volunteers/Officers/sponsors or others as applicable.
Webmaster - to build and maintain an information website on Squadron and
or SSC activities.
These are examples of additional roles however any which may be relevant to the
SSC may be created by the SSC and if necessary, sub-committees may be formed
chaired by these role-members