- Interested in helping?
- The Air Cadet League of Canada (Manitoba) Incorporated is a volunteer organization interested in growing the Air Cadet Program in the Province. To do so we require the assistance of interested and active individuals who can spare some time to help organize and conduct the programs that are very important to adding fun to our program.
- Anyone interested in this dynamic program may obtain more information by contacting the Provincial League Office.
Without adults playing many pivotal roles, 'Air Cadets' could not happen. Whether you are an instructor, volunteer or supporter, you awaken in youth the desire to develop their full potential. Research shows that the influence one caring adult has on a youth will last a lifetime.
Helping Air Cadets grow as a person is a fulfilling and inspiring challenge and being involved means something different to everyone. You can tailor your participation so that it fits right into your life. What do adults in the Air Cadet Program do?
- * they help expand horizons;
- * they build values;
- * they create a better future; and
- * they make a difference in the life of a youth.
Your involvement will be both a personal challenge and a pleasantly rewarding experience.
As the Air Cadet Movement is a partnership between the Canadian Forces and the Air Cadet League of Canada each are structured to provide their input to the program and volunteers are involved in each group.
Within the Canadian Forces, the uniformed cadet instructors are volunteer members of the Cadet Instructors Cadre (CIC) which consists of specially trained part-time members of the Canadian Forces. CIC officers are responsible for cadet training, supervision and administration. CIC officers are important figures in the life of a cadet and are normally driven by a strong desire to see cadets grow into responsible adults. They are credible role models for youth looking for a sense of direction and belonging.
To become a Cadet Instructors Cadre officer, a candidate must enlist in the Canadian Forces Reserves and complete a Basic Officer Qualification course at one of five Regional Cadet Instructor Schools.
CIC officers may be assisted by Civilian Instructors (CI), individuals who possess knowledge or instructional ability deemed valuable to the cadet organization.
More information on the Cadet Instructors Cadre and Civilian Instructors is available at the Cadet Canada web site.
The Air Cadet League of Canada operates with a membership of volunteers organized in three levels:
- The National Level;
- The Provincial Level; and
- The Local Level.
At the Local level Air Cadet Squadrons are supported through various forms of voluntary involvement, financial contributions, the provision of extra activities for the cadets and other material assistance. Three distinct groups of people may provide support to and be affiliated with a specific squadron:
- The Sponsor;
- The Sponsoring Committee; and
- The Supporter.
Air Cadet Squadrons have an approved Sponsor or Sponsoring Organization. That sponsor may be a club, an element of an association, or it may be a group of persons, such as an association of parents, formed specifically to sponsor a particular squadron. A sponsor must subscribe to the aims and objectives of the league, and must be willing to provide assistance to their squadron as required by the League. A Sponsor is responsible for creating and maintaining the Squadron Sponsoring Committee.
The basic unit in the administrative structure of the Air Cadet League at the Local level is the Squadron Sponsoring Committee. They are often described as the backbone of the Air Cadet Movement, because one of the real secrets to the success of an Air Cadet Squadron is a well organized and effective Squadron Sponsoring Committee. Members of the Squadron Sponsoring Committee are the persons who directly interact with the Cadet Instructor Cadre officers, civilian staff, and cadets of their squadron. The Chairperson of the Squadron Sponsoring Committee normally is a member of the Sponsoring Organization associated with the squadron, but other members of the Committee may be elected or appointed from outside that organization. The essential point is that the sponsorship of a squadron be done well, regardless of how the committee is setup; what is required is a sound basic organization that meets League requirements and provides good leadership.
Supporters are those who wish to help but usually maintain a relationship at arms-length. That is, they may provide financial assistance or some other tangible resource but do not work directly with the squadron.
All volunteers are registered and screened by the Air Cadet League of Canada. Members of a Squadron Sponsoring Committee, as well as, those at Provincial and National levels in the Air Cadet League structure must be registered and screened. In keeping with the commitment of the Government of Canada to combat violence against children, appropriate and thorough screening of applicants for positions of trust with children is considered vital. Screening refers to a range of procedures and processes to carefully scrutinize individuals in order to choose the best candidates and weed out, as far as possible, those who would do harm.
Volunteers may also work with an Air Cadet Squadron. Some of these individuals, usually persons who have expertise in a subject related to the cadet training program; such as, a first-aid instructor, will function under the supervision of the Commanding Officer. Others will function under the control of the Squadron Sponsoring Committee to provide support in other tasks such as operating canteens.
All members of the Canadian Forces and contracted civilian instructors are screened by the Department of National Defence.
Persons interested in volunteering at the Local level and with a squadron should contact the Squadron Sponsoring Committee Chairperson to begin the process of involvement. Persons interested in being involved at the Provincial level should contact the Provincial Office for further information.